Saturday, November 15, 2008

Writing a proposal

I think the best part of this is that it puts the issue of getting published in perspective... *I* am not the only one wanting to be published... the publishers can NOT read every book ever send to them. They WILL prefer getting a short description and a short portion of the book instead of carrying around kilos of paper.

The only problem with this YouTube profile is that it's almost impossible to find out the correct order of things. This is it:
1 How to Write a Book Proposal : What Is a Book Proposal?
2 How to Write a Book Proposal : How to Write a Title Page
3 How to Write a Book Proposal : How to Write a Table of Contents
4 How to Write a Book Proposal : How to Write a Chapter Synopsis
5 How to Write a Book Proposal : Tips for Marketing a Book Proposal
6 How to Write a Book Proposal : How to Write a Author Bio for a Book
7 How to Write a Book Proposal : Writing Chapters in a Book Proposal
8 How to Write a Book Proposal : Writing Cover Letters

It really doesn't explain how to write a cover letter or what is it supposed to be on it.

Here's a nice page on book proposal - if you read it and watch these videos, you should have a good understanding of the book proposal. Just dive in. :-)

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